Advantages of Big Data Analytics and AI in Real Estate

September 7, 2021
Advantages of Big Data Analytics and AI in Real Estate

Table of content

Introduction to Big Data and AI in Real Estate
Advantages of Big Data and AI in Real Estate
The Future of AI in Real Estate

Introduction to Big Data and AI in Real Estate

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  is probably going to be the defining moment of this century. It’s impact now spans across a wide range of areas from business to medical applications where it continues to change the face of the industry. Real estate is one area where the impact of artificial intelligence and big data analytics continues to revolutionize the industry. The use of big data analytics & AI in real estate is now helping customers and real estate developers make betters decisions based on data and evidence. The stakeholders now have access to a huge volume of information available to them which were previously not accessible to them.

There are many ways through which big data is benefiting the agents in the real estate sector.

Before exploring their benefits, let’s clarify what we mean by big data and AI.

  • Big Data: This refers to massive datasets that are too large and complex for traditional data processing tools. In real estate, it includes property records, sales data, demographic information, economic indicators, and more.
  • AI: This is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets, identify patterns, and make predictions.

Advantages of Big Data and AI in Real Estate

1. Improved Property Valuation Using Big Data Insights

The biggest advantage of big data analytics for real estate is the volume of information that is available to an average customer or a real estate developer. While data pertaining to the real estate’s facilities are important, crucial data like crime rate and availability of important services like school and hospitals can now be incorporated into the valuation of the property which can help to improve the valuation of the property. This can help real estate developers to value their properties more accurately by incorporating exogenous factors while customers are able to get a truer picture of the actual value of the property

Furthermore, other subtle trends like the development of a new plaza or an airport can change the value of the properties drastically. This is where the power of big data analytics can be harnessed to improve the valuation of the property. According to a research conducted by McKinsey & Company nearly 60% of a property’s values comes from non-traditional factors. These factors can include the number of swimming pools in close proximity or the tone of yelp reviews of businesses nearby. This information can also be used by investors to identify misvalued properties which can them decisions that can improve

2. AI-Driven Marketing and Sales in Real Estate

Gone are the days of shotgun marketing and generic sales pitches. AI in real estate is transforming how agents connect with potential buyers and sellers. Realtors can use digital marketing and search engine information to help identify prospective buyers. Global companies are now digitising the process of sales which helps track data on user visits and searches. This data can be used in a variety of ways to help pair customers with real estate sellers.

Realtors can further use this information to understand their prospective their consumer better and contact them at the precise moment to make them a tempting offer. Furthermore, social media is also being increasingly used to advertise real estate properties to prospective consumers. The biggest advantage of using social media advertisement is the huge amount of data available to these companies actually helps in targeting the customers more efficiently.

3. Real Estate Mortgage & Insurance

The last few years has seen the development of complex machine learning algorithms to predict trends and drive analysis. Big data analytics and AI have helped mortgage issuers and insurance advisors in assessing the risks of the transaction by incorporating factors such as state of the industry, the applicant’s household income and his credit scores. These machine learning algorithms have become more complex which has resulted in the models becoming more robust and accurate.

Similar to real estate appraisals, insurance and mortgage issuers now can incorporate a greater number of factors into their models to get a better picture of the transaction being done. This helps insurance and mortgage issuers mitigate the risks associated with issuing mortgages as risks can be identified more accurately

These are just a few ways in which big data and AI is making lives easier for parties involved in the real estate sector. Big data and analytics is also helping governments around the world in making better decisions in regards to property development and infrastructure planning.

4. Predictive Analytics for Market Trends

Predictive analytics models utilize historical data and current market trends to forecast potential outcomes in the real estate market. These models assist stakeholders in predicting changes in property demand, pricing trends, and investment opportunities. Investors and developers can employ these insights to make strategic decisions, such as timely property acquisitions or planning new project developments, thereby maximizing returns on investment.

5. Improved Risk Management

AI-powered algorithms analyse a plethora of data points including market volatility, economic indicators, legal considerations, and environmental factors. By processing vast amounts of historical and real-time data, these algorithms generate insights that traditional risk assessment methods may overlook. For example, AI can predict fluctuations in property values based on economic forecasts or identify legal risks associated with zoning regulations.

6. Enhanced Customer Experience

Big data analytics enables personalized customer experiences by understanding individual preferences and needs. Real estate platforms use AI to recommend properties based on client preferences, streamline property searches with advanced filtering options, and personalize communication through targeted marketing campaigns. This tailored approach not only improves customer satisfaction but also builds long-term relationships and boosts brand loyalty.

The Future of AI in Real Estate

It is fair to say that the role of big data is going to become more visible in the coming decades. However, at the same time it is also important to be cautious and understand the risks associated with artificial intelligence and big data. One of the biggest risks that comes with big data is maintaining data security and privacy. With such a huge volume of data being available to the so many parties it is important to build a robust data security mechanism that ensures data security and privacy. At the same time, investor’s realtors and consumers need to learn to harness these tools where it does not breach the right of any other party. The role of governments in ensuring that data security laws are maintained is also going to become more important with the increased interference of big data and AI in real estate.

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