Dentistry clinic (Data Science)

6 May 2022
Dentistry clinic (Data Science)


A dentist clinic has been running for a while and has been successful in treating more than 1000 patients in a quarter with limited number of resources. The administrator of the clinic discussed the overall health of the clinic’s P&L, and wanted to focus on the resources cost centre.


There has been a lot of time like public holidays or religious festivals when the patients have visited the clinic overwhelming the both the doctors and the staff. The major challenge to them was resource allocation at the time of need, and they wanted to know prior to those events to arrange for the extras.


Predictive analytics can identify patterns based on the variables like public holidays, the overall capacity of the clinic, patient history, current number of resources available etc. The data scientist helped in developing an end report for the admin to know well before time if they needed any extra staff to handle on set number of days. The report accuracy was estimated to be 79% which was accepted by the client.

Benefits Achieved:

  • Cost Savings
  • Model accuracy was good enough
  • Easy planning
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