IT BPO Service provider

11 April 2022
IT BPO Service provider


This IT Support organisation possesses massive amounts of data about their customers across the globe. The ticketing system has loads of information with tickets such as active, inactive, complete etc. The company is currently using an outdated technology, and migrating the data to a cloud campus to provide an interactive and rich experience to both employees and customers.


An analytics department is set up to ensure a good flow of business operations. Currently, no reporting system in place to keep a track of the performance of the customers and the callers. The first priority is Increasing the efficiency of the employees in reporting to be able to analyse the data accordingly.


To start with, the analytics team built reports on tracking the performance of the employees as it is one of the important metrics of the organisation to be measured.

Few questions were answered using reporting:

  • Which caller closed the most tickets in the shortest span of time?
  • Which demographics had the most issues?
  • Who performed the least in answering the calls?
  • What kind of support the customers looked for the most?

Benefits Achieved

  • Questions answered by the report 100% of the times
  • Report saves at least an hour of manual analysis a day- at a minimum saving 440 hours annually
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